Post by Nick.

How do I join the team?

Well unfortunately, you cannot just join the team. You will have to apply for the Helper rank by clicking Here. Once you apply, you will get a response on whether you got accepted or denied within the week. If your application gets denied, you will receive a response to why and how you can improve on your application for next time. However, if your application gets accepted, you will receive a response saying that you got accepted into the interview stage. From here, you will message back the mentor who accepted your application, stating a time and date in which you are free to have a 10-30 minute interview. Keep in mind that the questions change for each interview. Now, after the interview, our team will come to a conclusion on whether you would be a good fit for the team or not. You will then receive a message on whether your interview got accepted or not 1-2 hours prior to your interview. If you get accepted from here, consider yourself now apart of our team! But, if you are considering applying, please make sure to read the question for the Helper Requirements.

What Requirements do I need to become a helper?

Now, if you are reading this, you may be asking yourself what are these requirements consist of? Well other than the fact that you need to be over the age of 11, we don’t have any other requirements. However to make your odds of becoming a Helper higher, we suggest that you have some sort of knowledge on running a website, or just topics such as space, technology, engineering, etc. If you have any qualities that you think can benefit the team, please include them in the application, we can also accept those if we truly believe that they can benefit us.

What are the plans for the future of this website?

As of right now, we are taking things step by step. But, we’re currently working on a variety of projects including videos for our YouTube channel, weekly articles on interesting space topics, expanding on our discord, etc. If you want to be notified on when we add something new, go to our news page or click Here.

What is the point of s.i.r?

The point of S.I.R is to inform others on the overall space and engineering topic. By doing this, we are constantly researching new topics, which is also expanding our knowledge.